[ ISSUE: 04.2022 ]

“the workout is designed to be a meditation of sorts… when you’re deep in the hurt locker, alone with your thoughts.”

This time of the year is very special to many of us who walk with Yeshua, Jesus Christ. Pesach, or Passover, is a major Jewish holiday that celebrates the exodus of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, but it was during this time that Yeshua paid the ultimate price, He stood in the gap as the final sacrificial lamb for the sins of everyone.

As a brand in the fitness and CrossFit space, I felt called to construct a workout that I felt echoed and honoured Yeshua’s final journey over the period from Good Friday to Resurrection Sunday. In CrossFit, a Hero WOD is a tribute to a fallen first responder or member of the military who died while serving honorably in the line of duty.

The Salvation WOD, while in no way comparable to what Yeshua went through is meant to honor His love and sacrifice for us; each movement and rep scheme has meaning to it, based in Biblical premise.

The workout is designed to be a meditation of sorts, there’s a strange peace I find mid-workout, when you’re deep in the hurt locker, alone with your thoughts. The goal here is to spend time as you’re busy on each movement thinking about the meaning behind each movement and meditating on what Christ did for us.

1,6km Run
3 Front Squats
39 Double Unders
13 Deadlifts
200m Run
1 Squat Clean & Jerk
13 Deadlifts
200m Run
1 Squat Clean & Jerk
13 Deadlifts
200m Run
1 Squat Clean & Jerk
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
1 Bar Muscle Up [ Remove weight vest ]

Score = Time to complete
* Barbell prescribed weight [ M 75kg | F 55kg ]
** RX: Weight Vest [ M 9kg | F 7kg ] – weight vest on for all movements, except the muscle up.

Context for the numbers/reps/weights chosen.
75kg Barbell – The estimated weight of a Roman cross at the time.
9/7kg Weight Vest – To simulate the weight of Yeshua taking our sins upon Himself.
1,6km Run – Estimated distance from Gethsemane to Herod’s Palace is ±1,5km without turns, factoring in 100m for turns.
3 Front Squats – Peter denies Jesus 3 times. Front squats chosen, to take your legs out from under you. Imagine having one of your closest followers denying they know you.
39 Double Unders – Yeshua, once condemned, received 39 lashings. DUs were chosen to the increase the heart rate.
3 Rounds – Yeshua stumbled and fell carrying the cross on his way to Golgotha, where he was crucified. Splitting this into 3 rounds splits the journey into 3 equal parts.
13 Deadlifts (13x 3 = 39) – Deadlifts were chosen to increase the difficulty of the run and the squat clean and jerk which followed after, this is done to simulate the injuries sustained from the lashings.
200m Run (200m x3 = 600m) – The estimated distance from Herod’s palace to Golgotha is ±600m.
1 Squat Clean & Jerk (1 x3 = 3) – Yeshua stumbled and fell carrying the cross 3 times, squat clean and jerks were chosen to simulate the picking up of the cross on each occasion.
5 Chest to Bars – The number of wounds Yeshua received on the cross, 1 to each hand and foot and one to the side. C2B chosen to include hanging and movement in the air with the bar simulating the cross.
1 Bar Muscle Up – One resurrection from the grave. BMU chosen to represent rising above the cross, rising above death. Weight vest is removed for this final movement to signify our sins being forgiven.

“Yeshua had a mission, His mission was to come to earth so that we might have a relationship with God, our Creator, once again. His mission would culminate in His torture, crucifixion and resurrection, He never wavered, driven by His commitment and love for us. His victory means he holds the keys of death and Hades, placing the ball in our courts now to accept His gift of salvation.”
~ Chris Walton [ DVSN Co-Founder & CEO ]

Read John 19 and John 20 in preparation.

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