6x Man Makers with Dumbbells 
12x Box Jump Overs with Step-Down 


Dumbbells: 2x 15kg | 2x 10kg
Box: 24inch | 20inch

Workout Rationale


Uncomplicated and testing your willingness to work under fatigue. MAN WITH BOX is a low-rep couplet meant to test your grit, not in the first 5 minutes but the last…

Man Makers are highly efficient time savers for an all-in-one workout. Each rep requires a huge amount of effort which over time depletes your core, calfs, hamstrings, glutes, quads, posterior chain, biceps, shoulders, chest and back… Although low reps per set, this movement will take its toll and before you know it, you’ll be moving slower and slower each round, so be on guard against this and keep forcing yourself to keep good pace on each set.

The box jump overs with step-down reinforces quick movement and staying light on your feet. With no weight to move but that of your bodyweight, you want to be as efficient as possible going from one rep to the next. After a heavy movement such as man makers, you want to take the time on your box jump overs to regain a good breathing rhythm.

If you are attempting to go for a competitive score, you’ll have to work hard on the man makers spending little time getting to the top position. Quick transition are always important in a couplet workout, so spend little time getting to work from one movement to the next.

The trap of this workout will soon be made known to you as you are doing it, but to prepare you in advance with some guidance; Pace your man makers to a 70-80% effort, spending as little time as possible in the bottom position of the movement, then attempting a 80-90% effort in the last half of the workout and holding on in the last 2-minutes going full blast. All box jump over sets should be done fast and effectively. You might notice your body wanting to transition slower on each jump over rep midway through the workout as your legs will become deceivingly depleted from the man makers… don’t compromise your pace, the box jump overs are meant to be fast!

Warm-up properly and hold on, it’s only 10 minutes longs. Good luck.

Previous Workouts


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202237: MAN WITH BOX

AMRAP 10 6x Man Makers with Dumbells 2x 15kg | 2x 10kg 12x Box Jump Overs with Step-Down 24inch | 20inch


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