For time:

Snatch [ 50kg | 35kg ]
40x Double Unders


On completion of each round’s chest-to-bar and snatches, complete 40 double unders to complete a full round.

Workout Rationale


The name reflects the number 1 strategy you should adopt when planning to do any WOD, calculate the total reps needed to complete a workout. In this case, 210 reps is needed.

For most experienced athletes, the trait of calculating any given reps in a workout becomes second nature. This awareness helps you better pace each workout and allows you to time your complete-excision of energy more accurately (to soon and you burn out, to late and you miss a better scoring opportunity).

Depending on your level of fitness, fitter athletes should aim to go unbroken on all movements, taking an extra couple of seconds between each transition of movement in order to brace yourself and keep control of your breathing. But once you start a movement, hang on and get it done.

Less experienced athletes should aim to break their sets early on as you don’t want to fatigue too quickly. Don’t work to sets of failure! If for example you know you can do 10 chest-to-bars, then do 6. If you can only do 40 unbroken double unders, then do sets of 20. Ultimately, stay in control and don’t sacrifice form for speed.

Don’t let the double unders fool you, your heart rate will spike and you will hate them for it, take an extra deep breath before picking up the rope.

Know when the halfway mark hits and plan to put the foot down in the last round of 9.

Previous Workouts


202239: DOUBLE-UP

For time: 21-15-9 Thrusters [ 40kg | 25kg ] 42-30-18 Double Unders To complete the workout, complete 21 thrusters followed by 42 double unders, 15 thrusters followed by 30 double unders and finally 9 thrusters followed by 18 double unders.



202238: TWO-TEN

FOR TIME 21-15-9 Chest-to-Bar Snatch [ 50kg | 35kg ] 40x Double Unders On completion of each round's chest-to-bar and snatches, complete 40 double unders to complete a full round.



202237: MAN WITH BOX

AMRAP 10 6x Man Makers with Dumbells 2x 15kg | 2x 10kg 12x Box Jump Overs with Step-Down 24inch | 20inch


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